Monday, December 1, 2008


Mumbai - Outrage. Anger. Pain. Tears.
No words.
What can we even say?
How can we fathom a two-year-old who won't see Ima again ad ki yavo Shilo?
How can we comprehend two ehrliche mashgichim catching a simple maariv on business who will never come home?
And how can we even begin to understand the loss of the kedoshim, Rabbi and Rebbetzin Gavriel and Rivkah Holtzberg, who lost their own lives after a holy career of giving of their own lives? And before 30?
Ribbono shel Olam…
Today, we are all Toldos Avrahom Yitzchok Chasidim. Today, we are all Jews. Today, we are all Chabad. No distinctions. Just Jews.
Perhaps an even bigger tragedy is that it took this tragedy to bring us together.
We might not know what to say. But now we know what to do. Stick together.
Because there was a little house, in a corner of the world most of us never heard of, where Ahavas Yisroel (Love for a fellow Jew) lived.
Now, that Ahavas Yisroel lives on. In our houses. In our hearts. It must. The victims would have it no other way.
What to do? Carry on.
Because if we become afraid, they won. If we are crushed, they won. If we remain depressed, they won. If we let this destroy our lives, they won.
If we do the opposite, we win. And they lose.
So let's win. Let's continue. Let's march forward. Let's continue doing everything we always did.
But let's do more than that. Let's give more tzedakah. Let's learn more Torah. Women and girls Light Shabbat Candles. Call someone you haven't spoken to for a while. Let's be more tolerant, less dismissive, of each other.
Let's fight darkness with light.
We did it for the past two days. We can, we must, continue.
Above all, let us not be afraid. Let us hold our heads high. Let us walk the streets victorious. We are Jews. We are one. We are proud. And they can never destroy us.
They have death. We have life. They await the Gates of Hell. We embrace the gifts of Heaven.
They have Al Qaeda. We have "al tira" (DON'T FEAR).
Forward! March!
Good Shabbos
Rabbi Yossi and Chanie Jacobson

Monday, November 10, 2008

Nice NPR interview with Chabad of Wyoming

Rabbi Zalman Mendelson - Chabad Shliach to the state of Wyoming
Copy and paste this link into a new window

Friday, November 7, 2008

Your help is needed

A Baby boy was born to Rabbi and Mrs. Blesofsky Directors of Chabad-Lubavitch of Iowa City, IA the baby has some heart issues, he will be undergoing surgery next week Wednesday, Nov. 12 Please have him in mind in your prayers for a speedy and complete recovery (תינוק הכהן בן חיה). Also funds are very much needed. Please send all Tax deductible checks payable to: Judaic Resource Center 943 Cummins parkway Des Moines, IA 50312 You can also pay with your Credit Card via PayPal to:

President Obama and the parsha

This weeks Torah portions speeks about the commandment from G-d to Abraham: Go for yourself from your birthplace. This fits very well with our preseidents theme: Change. G-d is commanding us Change! if you did 1 Mitzvah do 2. If you wore Teffillin once a week wear it twice a week. Etc. Every single person has an obligation to change his attitude, thoughts, speech and actions for the better. Shabbat Shalom!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Torah thoughts on Noach

1. One is to see to it that every Jew in his town/city is connected with Yiddishkeit, unlike Noah which built his ark not inquiring on the situation of his people.

2. Just as Noah did not pay attention to the fact that he (and his immediate family) were the only righteous ones of his generation, he served G-d with Love and fear.

3. in Hebrew the word for ark is Taivah which also translates to Word; one must enter in and engage himself with the words of Torah and Prayer.

Shabbat Shalom!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Schedule for the last days of Sukkot

Friday, October 17 6:15 PM Mincha
Friday, October 17 7:15 PM Kabbalat Shabbat
Saturday, October 18 10:00 AM Shacharit Followed by a kiddush
Saturday, October 18 6:15 PM Mincha
Saturday, October 18 7:15 PM Maariv

Monday, October 20 6:15 PM Mincha
Monday, October 20 7:15 Maariv
Tuesday, October 21 10:00 AM Shacharit (special prayer for rain)
Tuesday, October 21 11:45 AM Yizkor
Tuesday, October 21 6:15 PM Mincha
Tuesday, October 21 7:15 PM Maariv
Tuesday, October 21 7:30 PM Hakafot with dancing and meal.
Wednesday, October 22 10:30 AM Shacharit (Special prayer for completion of Torah)
Wednesday, October 22 6:15 PM Mincha
Wednesday, October 22 7:15 PM Maariv

Happy Isru Chag

Today is called Isru Chag. It is the day after Simchat Torah, today we must introduce the spiritual energy from the holidays into our day-to-day life.

Slide show of Mivtzah Lulav

Drake, World food Prize, Jewish Seniors

Simchat Torah Bash at the JRC

This is an once a year event which you don't want to miss... trust me

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Teffillin at the Kotel in Des Moines!

Yesterday Hillel at Drake hosted a celebration of 60 years of Israel Rabbi Goldstein put on Teffilin with 6 Jews at the wall!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Feast of Moshiach

The last day of Pesach is totally enveloped by the aura of Moshiach and redemption.

Ever since the saintly Baal Shem Tov instituted this mystical tradition several hundred years ago, Jews around the world gather during the final moments of the Pesach festival to celebrate and affirm their unwavering faith in the promise of a perfect world, the era of REDEMPTION.
Traditionally, this occasion is celebrated with “another” four cups of wine, Matzah - “the food of faith”, soul stirring songs of faith & yearning and inspirational stories & insights.

Join together with our brethren from all four corners of the universe in an expression of faith, which will itself hasten our crossing over the threshold of life as we know it, into the reality of Moshiach.

Sunday, April 27 7:15 PM at the JRC of Iowa 943 Cummins Parkway.
Call: 277-1770 or email: for more info

Monday, April 7, 2008

Report from Shabbat Dinner @ Drake

15 Drake students showed up to the Shabbat Dinner arranged by Lubavitch of Iowa, Sponsored by Drake Hillel. Rabbi Mendel Hecht from Chicago was the scholar in residence, the students asked questions about Judaism. Shabbat morning 2 students walked along with Rabbi's Hecht and Goldstein to the JRC where there was a beautiful Minyan.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Saturday, March 15, 2008

MP3 Download

Below is a link of a class given by Rabbi Shmuel Butman on this weeks Torah Portion tzav
copy and paste link into a new window, push ENTER on keypad, and then follow instructions.

Friday, March 14, 2008


This Sunday March 16 1:00 PM at Maccabees Deli will take place a Class on Torahs perspective on the Iranian threat call 557-0531 for more info

Video of Dynamic class about Pesach

This class is given by Rabbi Yossi Jacobson renowned speaker and lecturer. (cousin of the Yossi Jacobson of Des Moines)

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Response to the Terror incident in Jerusalem PLEASE READ!!!

I had lots of thoughts to write about this week. After all, it's the first
day of Adar II - the month of joy, the month of Purim, of celebration and

There's so much to talk about and analyze - Why we should be happy, what
true joy means, how we celebrate.

But then came news of the attack in Jerusalem earlier tonight. Details may
be sketchy still, but this we know. Eight teenagers were murdered. Barely
teenagers, children aged 15 and 16. Murdered, shot to death at close range
in cold blood.

They must have been in a gang, right? They must have somehow been involved
in a violent lifestyle. They must have been the oppressors of poor
indigenous peoples.

These were children in a Yeshiva. A Yeshiva I know. A Yeshiva that some of
our alumni, USC graduates, have studied in.

And these children were studying in the library, by one report. Or sitting
in the dining hall, engaged in celebration of the new month of Adar.

And someone hated them enough, someone hated us enough, to walk in to that
room. To pull out a rifle and a hand gun. To spray the room with bullets.
And then to walk over to where individuals dove for cover, and one by one
shoot people in the head.

He didn't hate them. They had never done anything to him personally. They
were engaged in the most innocent and holy of activities. But he hated what
they represented. He hated me and you. And he tried to kill me and you. And
in doing so, he succeeded in killing eight of our little brothers.

I know I may be sounding morbid. I can't help it. The more you think about
something like this, the more emotions overtake you. The less rational you
are able to be.

And as always, we search for guidance. How to react? Do we cancel the
celebrations of Adar and Purim, choosing to express ourselves through
mourning and grief/ Do we cry out for vengeance? Do we just give up in

I'm not going to look up the exact details of the incident I am about to
share with you. Because I am not in a speechwriting mood tonight. Because
the point I'd like to share is the concept, not the specifics.

In the fledgling town of Kefar Chabad, a little bit over 50 years ago, there
was a school founded for poor children of immigrants. One day, in the midst
of the daily prayers, terrorists assaulted the defenseless school, and
brutally killed five of the students praying - along with their teacher who
attempted to shield them with his own body, his own life.

The entire country was in shock. But the residents of the town, people who
had just recently fled the horrors of Nazi and Stalinist persecution, were
completely paralyzed. How could this happen here, in the Holy Land, in the
Jewish homeland?

As Chassidim, they turned to the Lubavitcher Rebbe for guidance. Several
days of silence ensued. And then the Rebbe responded with a telegram,
containing but three simple words. "Behemshech Habinyan Tinacheimu." By your
continued building you will be consoled.

Now I did look it up. And you can read the article from Yediot Acharonot -
an Israeli daily - here

Judaism believe in tears. We believe in crying and expressing our grief,
when tragedy strikes home. And how can it not strike home tonight?

But we do not believe in paralysis. We do not believe in despair. We believe
that grief is assuaged - and actualized and given meaning - by continued
growth. By commemoration. By building.

So should we cancel our celebration of Adar and Purim? No. On the contrary!
We celebrate life. We celebrate the lives of the children who were lost. We
grieve for them, and yet we celebrate. Hazorim b'dimah .. we sow in tears
and reap in joy. We celebrate with tears, and cry with the joy that we will
find meaning. We will make the lives of those students meaningful. We will
continue to tap in to the very faith, the very celebration, the very joy
that the enemy attempts to extinguish.

And we will show that it cannot be extinguished. Because it is eternal and

Judaism teaches that meaning is found in the combined actions of the many
individuals. I encourage you to make a difference. Don't just read the news
reports and feel a moment of anger, or sadness, or grief, or despair.
Translate that emotion into action - into continued building. Do a Mitzvah
in memory of the deceased, in the merit of the wounded. Change your life in
some small but meaningful way. And that change, that action, will bring the
only possible consolation - the consolation of overcoming negativity,
terror, and destruction. The consolation of continued building, of making
the world a better place.

May we speedily merit the time when we see the fulfillment of the prophecy
"and G-d will wipe away the tears from upon every face," the time of true
consolation and celebration when "the spirit of evil will be banished from
the land" and we shall celebrate a truly changed and better world - with the
coming of Moshiach now!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Short video on Kabbalah

Click on link below to watch a short cool video on Kabballah

Preview of next lunch 'n learn

The topic of the next lunch 'n learn will be: Global warming and Torah. What the Torah has to say about how everything in the world has a purpose, thus going green is a Torah idea.

Don't forget to join us for the Lunch 'n learn on Sunday March, 16 1:00 PM Topic: Torahs perspective on the current threats. If you want to be reminded via SMS (text message) send an email to:

Final decision

Based on the results of the vote for the Lunch 'n Learns at the deli, we have come to a decision to keep them to once a month. Looking forward to seeing you there.

Daily Dose of Torah

Many Children

Until recently, it was always considered the greatest of blessings to have many children.

Wealth is not a mansion filled with silver and gold. Wealth is children and grandchildren growing up on the right path.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Funny video on this weeks portion

This is a new series of Ask Moses TV

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Purim in Hawaii Celebration

You are invited to join us for a grand Purim celebration which will take place Thursday, March 20 7:30 PM at the Quality Inn - Downtown Des Moines, second floor ballroom. Hawaiian Style food will be served. Live Music. Dancing. Fun for the entire family. Megillah Reading.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

MP3 Download
Click on this link to download a class given by Rabbi YY Jacobson (Cousin of Rabbi Jacobson)

Monday, February 11, 2008

Music Festival

Come and and enjoy some Klezmaer and Chassidic music from the Famous Andy Statman. He is a Baal Teshuvah of Chabad. Contact abe Goldstien for more info

Spark Magazine

We are in need of articles and adds for the next issue of the Jewish spark Magazine. If you've got one please e-mail it to: The deadline is March 10.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Lunch 'n Learn Rescheduled

We will discuss the Jewish outlook at oncoming threats. The Jewish idea of "think good and it will become good" There will be a slide-show presentation. It will be pushed off to Sunday March 16 1:00 PM

Story with the Shpoler Zeide
Click on this link to download an Audio file of a Jewish story.

Pictures of the Drake Shabbaton Dec. 2007

Chanukah on Ice Video

Part 1